Lila had a doctor appointment yesterday and we finally got some good news. She weighed in at 13 pounds! Hallelujah! The doctor said that she has gained approx. 18 ounces in just under a month! We are so glad that we are finally putting some weight on : ) she is continuing to get stronger. Tomorrow we have a speech therapist coming by to do a feeding evaluation. Hopefully she can give us some answers. Lila doesn't really want anything to do with her bottles lately. In the last few days she's only taken about two ounces from a bottle. I'm hoping that the speech therapist might find something that the doctors have over looked.
In other news, reality has started to sink in. Until the feeding tube, you couldn't tell by looking at Lila that she had spina bifida. She was born with a club foot but that was easy to hide and the cast was usually under pants and such. Now that Lila has the NG tube EVERYONE seems to be looking. I really don't mind when people ask me about it, I'm happy to explain but I really can't stand when people stare at her or look at her pitifully, which happens a lot. I guess I knew that one day we would deal with something like this but I wasn't prepared for some of the reactions we get. I wish that everyone could just see the miracle baby I see but at least we know how awesome she is : ) and everyone else will figure it out later!
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