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Friday, August 26, 2011


This is what happens while Mom is at work.....Dad dresses the baby in Tap out and puts his belt on her....*sighs* also he will comb her hair over like an old man....o well he tries!!!
Daniel showing of his tattoo in honor of Lila after his boxing match for Guns 'N' Hoses
Lila's Kid Kart!
My sweet girl sitting up on her own!!!!!

I thought I'd post a bunch of random pictures that I should have posted a long time ago!! lol
It has been a crazy mess at the Hopper house! I got hired as the pre-k aide and parent coordinator at Allendale school and started back to work last Thursday. I LOVE it : ) I work with some pretty awesome students and teachers.
Lila has been doing great! Her favorite thing to do right now is shake her head no when I ask her to say mama and she also loves playing with her hair (or anyone's hair really). She is still getting therapy twice a week and is doing pretty well. Our developmental therapist has been working with Lila for over a year and has been very patiently waiting for Lila to warm up to her....and she finally has!! She's been a tough nut to crack but she's finally realized that Deidre is pretty cool and brings lots of fun toys! We're still being a booger when it comes to speech therapy and she refuses to "show off" any of her tricks. We got our G tube!!!!! It's been working super! I LOVE it and so does Lila i think. We had our first scare with it a couple weeks ago when it got pulled out (I had a minor panic attack) but the button hadn't ruptured or anything so I was able to put it back in just like the nurses had taught us at the hospital. In July Lila had her SB clinic at Cardinal Glennon. Everything looked great and the physical therapist even ordered her a kid kart!! It's kind of like a wheelchair/stroller. Oh, and we also got a new AFO since Lila's little chubby (and yes i do mean CHUBBY : ) finally!) leg and foot couldn't fit in her old one. I was afraid the new AFO wouldn't be a cute as our thumb bunny AFO because that one is SOO cute. It has little bunnies that are made of thumbprints all over the boot. But the new one has hearts on it and is equally as cute : ) I will post pictures of it later.

Daniel had his "last" MMA fight (it's always his last, i think he's come out of retirement 3 times lol) on the 13th and ended up possibly tearing his ACL. I've been to the doctor and hospital more with him lately than Lila. He went for a MRI on Thursday and we'll get the results on Tuesday which happens to be his birthday.
I think that's all for now! Thanks for following!!
The Hoppers

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